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The Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, аккорды

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A           A-7        D           D/F 
  A         A-7       D         D/F 
Picture yourself in a boat on a river  
       A       A-7        D        D/F --->  G 
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies 
   A      A-7           D            D/F 
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly 
  A             A-7      F#m      Dm     C 
A girl with kaleidiscope eyes 

B                       C                   F                  B  
Cellophane  flowers  of  yellow and green    towering over your head 
C                          G                            D 
Look for the girl with the sun  in  her  eyes and she´s gone 

            G           C        D          G           C        D
    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.  Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
            G           C        D          D ---> A
    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

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